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Search results for theta,209 in Adler number:
Adler number: theta,209
Translated headword: Theon, Theo
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Sophist, specialising in rhetoric. He was the offspring ultimately of the holy Marcella,[1] and immediately on his father's side of Ecdicius, also a teacher of the art of rhetoric. This
Theon was not particularly acute or quick-witted, but he was a devoted student and extraordinarily hard-working; hence he became very learned in a short time, gaining an extensive knowledge both of ancient and of modern history.
Greek Original:*qe/wn, sofisth\s lo/gwn r(htorikw=n, gegonw\s a)po\ th=s i(era=s *marke/llhs to/ ge a)ne/kaqen, to\ de\ e)c u(pogu/ou patro/qen a)po\ *)ekdiki/ou, didaska/lou kai\ tou/tou te/xnhs r(htorikh=s. h)=n de\ ou(=tos o( *qe/wn ou) ma/la a)gxi/nous ou)de\ o)cu/s, filomaqh\s de\ kai\ filo/ponos ei)s u(perbolh/n. tau=ta/ toi kai\ e)gego/nei polumaqe/statos e)n o)li/gw| xro/nw|, pollh\n a)rxai/an i(stori/an, pollh\n de\ ne/an periballo/menos.
Keywords: biography; daily life; ethics; historiography; rhetoric; women
Translated by: Malcolm Heath on 15 June 2001@14:29:00.
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