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Search results for theta,205 in Adler number:
Adler number: theta,205
Translated headword: Theon, Theo
Vetting Status: high
Translation: The man from the Mouseion,[1] an Egyptian, a philosopher, a contemporary of Pappos the philosopher who was also an Alexandrian.[2] Both of them happened to live during the reign of the elder
Theodosius. He wrote works on mathematics and arithmetic,
On Signs and Observation of Birds and the Sound of Crows,
On the Rising of the Dog[-Star],
On the Inundation of the Nile, [a commentary] on
Handy Table, and a commentary
on the small astrolabe.[3]
Greek Original:*qe/wn, o( e)k tou= *mousei/ou, *ai)gu/ptios, filo/sofos, su/gxronos de\ *pa/ppw| tw=| filoso/fw|, kai\ au)tw=| *)alecandrei=. e)tu/gxanon de\ a)mfo/teroi e)pi\ *qeodosi/ou basile/ws tou= presbute/rou. e)/graye maqhmatika/, a)riqmhtika/, *peri\ shmei/wn kai\ skoph=s o)rne/wn kai\ th=s kora/kwn fwnh=s, *peri\ th=s tou= kuno\s e)pitolh=s, *peri\ th=s tou= *nei/lou a)naba/sews, *ei)s to\n *ptolemai/ou pro/xeiron kano/na, kai\ *ei)s to\n mikro\n a)stro/labon u(po/mnhma.
C4 CE. See generally OCD(4) s.v.
Theon(4); FGrH 651. MacTutor History of Mathematics at web address 1. For his daughter Hypatia see
upsilon 166.
[1] In Alexandria (
Strabo 17.1.8).
[2] Pappos:
pi 265.
[3] i.e. a larger and a smaller commentary on the same work.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; chronology; geography; mathematics; science and technology; zoology
Translated by: David Whitehead on 3 May 2006@06:44:23.
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