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Adler number: theta,191
Translated headword: Theoinion, Wine-God Festival
Vetting Status: high
Translation: The Rural Dionysia [festival] used to be called [the] Theoinia, in which the clansmen made their sacrifices. For they used to call Dionysos Theoinos.[1]
Greek Original:*qeoi/nion: ta\ kata\ dh/mous *dionu/sia *qeoi/nia e)le/gonto, e)n oi(=s oi( gennh=tai a)pe/quon. to\n ga\r *dio/nuson *qe/oinon e)/legon.
An abridgement of Harpokration s.v., commenting on the occurrence of this word in
Lycurgus fr. 52 Conomis.
Modern scholars do not accept this identification between the Theoinia and the Rural Dionysia, arguing instead that the Theoinia was a (little-known) festival in its own right. See L. Deubner,
Attische Feste (Berlin 1932) 148; H.W. Parke,
Festivals of the Athenians (London 1977) 174; R. Parker,
Athenian Religion (Oxford 1996) 299-300.
[1] Wine-God.
Keywords: definition; food; history; religion; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 27 November 2000@04:30:48.
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