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Search results for theta,186 in Adler number:
Adler number: theta,186
Translated headword: god-hated, god-hating
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning they who are] hated by god(s).[1]
[sc. Can mean] they who are hated by God, and they who hate God. But in the Apostle, qeostugei=s [means] not they who are hated by God, but they who hate God.[2]
Greek Original:*qeostugei=s: qeomi/shtoi. oi( u(po\ qeou= misou/menoi, kai\ oi( qeo\n misou=ntes. para\ de\ tw=| *)aposto/lw| qeostugei=s, ou)xi\ oi( u(po\ qeou= misou/menoi, a)ll' oi( misou=ntes to\n qeo/n.
[1] Likewise or similarly in other lexica. The headword, nominative plural, is either quoted from somewhere in that form or generated by the accusative plural in St Paul: see next note.
[2] Oecumenius on
Romans 1.30 (PG 118.348d), where the form is accusative plural; and see the note at
phi 508.
Keywords: Christianity; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; religion
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 22 April 2007@00:48:17.
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