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Search results for theta,184 in Adler number:
Adler number: theta,184
Translated headword: feared as divine
Vetting Status: high
Translation: "Of thunder [...] feared as divine", [meaning of thunder] sent down by the gods, which is somehow divine and revered. "Of thunder bellowing [and] feared as divine."[1]
Aristophanes in
Clouds [sc. says this].[1]
Sophocles says: "for a divine disease would come." That is, [one] falling down on someone from a god. [He says this] about the madness of Ajax.[2]
Greek Original:*qeose/ptou: bronth=s qeose/ptou, u(po\ qew=n katapemfqei/shs, qei/as tino\s kai\ tetimhme/nhs. bronth=s mukhsame/nhs qeose/ptou. *)aristofa/nhs *nefe/lais. *sofoklh=s de\ le/gei: h(/koi ga\r a)\n qei/a no/sos. toute/stin h( e)k qeou= kataskh/yasa ei)/s tina. peri\ th=s mani/as *ai)/antos.
The headword adjective is in the genitive singular, extracted from the quotation immediately following.
Clouds 292 (web address 1), with fuller
Ajax 186 (web address 2), with scholion.
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; imagery; medicine; mythology; religion; tragedy
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 20 July 2007@01:10:48.
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