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Search results for theta,178 in Adler number:
Adler number: theta,178
Translated headword: God
Vetting Status: high
Translation: "Trying to interpret the meaning of 'God and Lord',
Philo[1] attained the concept of the most royal Trinity. For in saying that God is one he did not aim at the unity in number, but at the mystery of the Holy Trinity, which is more unitary than those things which are in any way divisible, but more abundant than those things which are truly unitary. And thus he laid his life on the line, so to speak, in asserting that the powers of Him Who Is are two. Of these [powers] the one which is creative and energizing, he says, is called God, but the one which is royal and judicial [is called] Lord.[2]
But the Greeks believe god to be immortal being, rational, perfect, spiritual, in true happiness, unable to admit any evil, exercising providence for the universe and those things which are in the universe. [They do not] however [believe that god] is in human form, but that he is the creator of all and a kind of father of all, and commonly also [they call god] the part of him which permeates everything, which is named with many designations according to its powers.[3]
Greek Original:*qeo/s: o(/ti *fi/lwn tou= qeo\s kai\ ku/rios th\n shmasi/an e(rmhneu=sai peirw/menos th=s basilikwta/ths tria/dos e)/nnoian e)/sxen. fa/skwn ga\r o(/ti ei(=s e)sti o( qeo\s ou) pro\s to\n a)riqmo\n kate/drame th=s mona/dos, a)lla\ pro\s to\ musth/rion th=s a(gi/as tria/dos, to\ tw=n me\n pa/nth| diairetw=n e(nikw/teron, tw=n de\ o)/ntws monadikw=n a)fqonw/teron. kai\ ou(/tw katakra/tos ei(=len au)tou= th\n yuxh/n, w(s ei)pei=n, du/o me\n ei)=nai ta\s tou= o)/ntos duna/meis, w(=n h( me\n poihtikh\ kai\ e)nerghtikh/, fhsi/, kalei=tai qeo/s, h( de\ basilikh\ kai\ timwrhtikh\ ku/rios. qeo\n de\ ei)=nai doca/zousin *(/ellhnes zw=|on a)qa/naton, logiko/n, te/leion, noero/n, e)n eu)daimoni/a|, kakou= panto\s a)nepi/dekton, pronohtiko\n ko/smou te kai\ tw=n e)n ko/smw|: mh\ ei)=nai me/ntoi a)nqrwpo/morfon: ei)=nai de\ to\n me\n dhmiourgo\n tw=n o(/lwn kai\ w(/sper pate/ra pa/ntwn, koinw=s de\ kai\ to\ me/ros au)tou= to\ dih=kon dia\ pa/ntwn, o(\ pollai=s proshgori/ais prosonoma/zetai kata\ ta\s duna/meis.
Keywords: Christianity; ethics; historiography; imagery; philosophy; religion
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 3 December 2001@17:04:37.
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