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Headword: *qeo/pompos
Adler number: theta,171
Translated headword: Theopompos, Theopompus
Vetting Status: high
Son of Theodektes or of Theodoros; an Athenian; a comic poet. He produced 24 plays. He belongs to the Old Comedy of the time of Aristophanes. His plays are [...] and many others.[1]
[It is said] that[2] Asclepius was also solicitous of those involved in literary pursuits. At any rate, he cured Theopompos when he was worn down and depressed with a wasting disease,[3] and, having rendered him whole and healthy and safe, [4] persuaded him to produce comedies again. And even now an image of Theopompos in Parian marble is displayed below the stone,[5] the inscription agreeing as to his name and that of his father, for he was the son of Tisamenos.[6] And the representation of what is happening is very clear. [There is] a bed, itself also of marble. The form of the man in question is lying ill upon it [portrayed] with artistic skill; the god stands beside it and stretches out to him his healing hand, and a young child [is there] also smiling kindly. And what, then, is the purpose of the child? I myself understand it to imply that the poet [is] fond of playing. For he laughs and hints symbolically at the nature of comedy. But if another thinks differently, let his own opinion prevail, but let him not bother me [sc. with it].
Greek Original:
*qeo/pompos, *qeode/ktou h)\ *qeodw/rou, *)aqhnai=os, kwmiko/s. e)di/dace dra/mata kd#. e)/sti de\ th=s a)rxai/as kwmw|di/as kata\ *)aristofa/nhn. dra/mata de\ au)tou= ei)si\ kai\ a)/lla polla/. o(/ti *)asklhpio\s kai\ tw=n e)n paidei/a| h)=n promhqh/s. fqo/h| gou=n *qeo/pompon r(inw/meno/n te kai\ leibo/menon i)a/sato kai\ kwmw|di/ais au)=qis dida/skein e)ph=ren, o(lo/klhro/n te kai\ sw=|n kai\ a)rtemh= e)rgasa/menos. kai\ dei/knutai kai\ nu=n u(po\ li/qw| *qeopo/mpou: patro/qen o(mologou=ntos au)to\n tou= e)pigra/mmatos: *tisamenou= ga\r h)=n ui(o/s: ei)/dwlon *pari/as li/qou. kai\ e)/sti to\ i)/ndalma tou= pa/qous ma/la e)narge\s kli/nh kai\ au)th\ li/qou. e)p' au)th=s kei=tai nosou=n to\ e)kei/nou fa/sma, xeirourgi/a| filote/xnw|: pare/sthke de\ o( qeo\s kai\ o)re/gei oi( th\n paiw/nion xei=ra, kai\ pai=s nearo\s u(pomeidiw=n kai\ ou(=tos. ti/ de\ a)/ra noei= o( pai=s; e)gw\ suni/hmi, tou= filopai/sthn poihth\n u(podhlou=n. gela=| ga\r kai\ th=s kwmw|di/as to\ i)/dion dia\ sumbo/lwn ai)ni/ttetai. ei) de\ a)/llos noei= e(te/rws, kratei/tw th=s e(autou= gnw/mhs, e)me\ de\ mh\ e)noxlei/tw.
Active c.410-c.370. See generally K.J. Dover in OCD(4) s.v. Theopompus(2).
[1] Though Adler does not flag up the point, some titles must have been given here. The names of 20 plays are known from other sources.
[2] What follows = Aelian, Varia Historia fr. 102 Domingo-Forasté (99 Hercher). See also epsilon 2210, pi 643, sigma 824, phi 505.
[3] cf. phi 505. The modern name for such an ailment would be tuberculosis.
[4] cf. sigma 824.
[5] The phrase u(po\ li/qw| -- again at pi 643 (see further next note), where this material reappears -- may be corrupt. The emendation u(po\ po/lei ("under the Acropolis"), where the temple of Asclepius was located, has been suggested. See Kassel and Austin v.7 p.708.
[6] The punctuation of this sentence at pi 643 is more natural, and is adopted here.
Edmonds, J.M. (ed.), The fragments of Attic comedy: after Meineke, Bergk, and Kock. Leiden : E.J. Brill, 1957-1961
Kassel R. and C. Austin (eds.), Poetae comici Graeci (PCG), Berlin and N.Y.: W. de Gruyter, 1983- . The testimonia and fragments of Theopompus are in v.7, pp.708ff
Keywords: art history; biography; children; comedy; daily life; ethics; geography; imagery; medicine; poetry; religion
Translated by: Tony Natoli on 14 December 2001@21:08:35.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (augmented notes; cosmetics) on 16 December 2001@08:58:51.
David Whitehead (modified translation; added note) on 21 December 2001@03:43:55.
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 16 November 2005@08:30:03.
Catharine Roth (updated reference in note 1) on 8 April 2011@14:33:06.
David Whitehead (more x-refs; more keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 1 January 2013@03:42:35.
David Whitehead (updated a ref) on 5 August 2014@06:58:12.
Matthew Farmer (Modified translation and updated citation to KA in notes) on 7 March 2017@15:21:43.


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