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Search results for theta,133 in Adler number:
Adler number: theta,133
Translated headword: Theogenes, Theagenes
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Of
Thasos;[1] this man -- while still a boy[2] -- lifted a bronze statue which was situated in the
agora [there] and carried it on his shoulders[3] into his house. But the citizens were angry, so he picked it up again and returned it to the
agora. This feat brought him great fame throughout Greece.
Greek Original:*qeoge/nhs, *qa/sios: ou(=tos e)/ti pai=s w)\n a)/galma xalkou=n e)n th=| a)gora=| kei/menon a)naqe/menos e)pi\ tou\s w)/mous h)/negken ei)s to\n oi)=kon. o)rgizome/nwn de\ tw=n politw=n, pa/lin a)ra/menos e)ko/misen ei)s th\n a)gora/n. kai\ a)po\ tou/tou me/ga kle/os e)/sxen a)na\ th\n *(ella/da.
Keywords: art history; athletics; biography; geography; medicine; trade and manufacture
Translated by: David Whitehead on 27 August 2001@03:14:23.
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