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Search results for theta,129 in Adler number:
Adler number: theta,129
Translated headword: lawful
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Aelian [writes]: "for [it is] in no way lawful for gods still to see the dead, even if they are greatly loved, 'nor to stain their vision with mortal expirations'."[1]
Greek Original:*qemito/n: *ai)liano/s: qeou\s ga\r ou)damh=| qemito\n o(ra=n e)/ti nekrou/s, kai\ e)a\n w)=si pa/nu fi/loi, ou)de\ o)/mma xrai/nein qanasi/mois e)kpnoai=s.
Keywords: dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; law; religion; tragedy
Translated by: Ryan Stone on 17 February 2008@08:32:30.
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