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Search results for theta,125 in Adler number:
Adler number: theta,125
Translated headword: Themistocles, Themistokles
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A general of the Athenians.[1] He was victorious against the barbarians in the sea-battle at
Salamis. Later on he was exiled by the Athenians on a false charge of treason. He fled to Artaxerxes, the son of Xerxes of Persia, and was handsomely rewarded by him, receiving three cities to supply his meat, bread, and wine--
Magnesia, Myous, and
Lampsakos.[2] He promised to enslave Greece to Artaxerxes[3], if he had the resources. But he was with the army in
Magnesia and--condemning himself if the Greeks, who had been saved with his help, should be subject to barbarians because of him--using as a pretext that he wanted to make an offering and sacrifice to Artemis Leucophryene, he put a bowl under the sacrificial bull and caught up the blood. He drank it greedily and died.[4]
Greek Original:*qemistoklh=s, strathgo\s *)aqhnai/wn, o( katanaumaxh/sas e)n th=| peri\ *salami=na naumaxi/a| tou\s barba/rous, ei)=q' u(/steron fugadeuqei\s u(po\ tw=n *)aqhnai/wn e)pi\ prodosi/as ai)ti/a| yeudei=, katafugw\n pro\s *)artace/rchn, to\n *ce/rcou tou= *pe/rsou pai=da, kai\ timhqei\s ta\ me/gista par' au)tou=, w(s trei=s po/leis ei)s o)/yon kai\ a)/rton kai\ poto\n labei=n, *magnhsi/an, *muou=nta, *la/myakon. e)phggei/lato ou)=n tou= katadoulw/sasqai th\n *(ella/da, du/namin ei) la/boi. parageno/menos de\ a(/ma tw=| strateu/mati ei)s *magnhsi/an, katagnou\s e(autou=, ei) di' au)to\n swqe/ntes *(/ellhnes di' au)tou= douleu/sousi barba/rois, profa/sei xrhsa/menos, w(s qusi/an e)pitele/sai bou/letai kai\ i(erourgh=sai th=| *leukofrui/+nwn *)arte/midi, tw=| tau/rw| u(poqei\s th\n fia/lhn kai\ u(podeca/menos to\ ai(=ma, xando\n piw\n e)teleu/thsen.
See already
theta 124 (and again
theta 126). The present material comes from the
scholia to
Knights 84, where he is mentioned.
[1] No. 2901 in Index I of Robert Develin,
Athenian Officials 684-321 B.C. (Cambridge, 1989).
[2] cf.
Thucydides 1.138.5; Cornelius Nepos,
Themistocles 10.3;
Themistocles 29.
e)phggei/lato ou)=n tou= katadoulw/sasqai. The
ou)=n tou= is presumably a corruption of
au)tw=| in the Aristophanic scholion, and is translated as such here.
[4] On Themistokles' death cf.
Knights 83-84;
Diodorus Siculus 11.58.3. According to
Thucydides 1.138.4 he died of illness.
Keywords: biography; comedy; ethics; food; geography; history; medicine; military affairs; politics; religion; zoology
Translated by: Debra Hamel on 12 August 1999@18:52:48.
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