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Headword: *qemistoklh=s
Adler number: theta,124
Translated headword: Themistocles, Themistokles
Vetting Status: high
An Athenian demagogue, son of Neokles. In his youth he was profligate, but later on he was elected general. He built the [sc. harbors at] Peiraieus and was victorious in a sea-battle against the Persians at Salamis. Being the object of envy, he fled to Artaxerxes, King of the Persians, and was honored by him exceedingly. He was compelled afterwards to make war on the Greeks. Not wishing to betray his fatherland and his own reputation, he drank the blood of a bull[1] and died. He wrote letters full of spirit.
Greek Original:
*qemistoklh=s, *)aqhnai=os dhmagwgo/s, *neokle/ous ui(o/s, a)/swtos th\n prw/thn h(liki/an geno/menos, meta\ de\ tau=ta strathgo\s ai(reqei\s kai\ kti/sas to\n *peiraia= kai\ naumaxi/a| nikh/sas tou\s *pe/rsas kata\ *salami=na kai\ fqonhqei\s feu/gei pro\s *)artace/rchn to\n tw=n *persw=n basile/a kai\ sfo/dra timhqei\s u(p' au)tou= h)nagka/zeto meta\ tau=ta toi=s *(/ellhsi polemei=n. kai\ mh\ boulhqei\s prodou=nai th\n patri/da kai\ to\ e(autou= kle/os, tau/reion ai(=ma piw\n a)pw/leto. e)/grayen e)pistola\s fronh/matos gemou/sas.
c.524-459. See also theta 125, theta 126, and generally OCD(4) s.v.
[1] cf. tau 156.
Keywords: architecture; biography; ethics; geography; history; medicine; military affairs; zoology
Translated by: Debra Hamel on 16 November 1998@16:23:21.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (supplied headword; augmented keywords; cosmetics) on 16 February 2003@12:09:05.
Catharine Roth (added cross-reference) on 3 April 2010@22:14:10.
David Whitehead (more keywords; cosmetics) on 31 December 2012@05:30:43.
David Whitehead on 5 August 2014@06:39:31.


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