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Search results for theta,123 in Adler number:
Adler number: theta,123
Translated headword: Themistogenes
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Syracusan, historian. [He wrote]
"Anabasis of Kyros", which is preserved amongst the works of
Xenophon;[1] and some other works concerning his native land.
Greek Original:*qemistoge/nhs, *surakou/sios, i(storiko/s. *ku/rou a)na/basin, h(/tis e)n toi=s *cenofw=ntos fe/retai: kai\ a)/lla tina\ peri\ th=s e(autou= patri/dos.
[1] cf.
Hellenica 3.1.2: 'how Kyros collected an army and with it went up against his brother, and how the battle occurred, and how he died, and how afterwards the Greeks got safely back to the sea, has been written by Themistogenes the Syracusan'. Though Jacoby included 'Themistogenes' in FGrH (as no.108), it is generally regarded as a pseudonym for
Xenophon himself. See Peter Krentz,
Xenophon, Hellenika II.3.11-IV.2.8 (Warminster, England, 1995) 157.
Keywords: biography; geography; historiography; history
Translated by: Debra Hamel on 16 November 1998@16:20:30.
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