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Headword: *qe/lgei
Adler number: theta,103
Translated headword: enchants, cheats, convinces
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning he/she/it] loves, or mistreats, obscures, darkens, or deceives, or inflames.[1]
To enchant is properly to lead [a)/gein] someone to that for which he/she wishes [qe/lei]. From this also [comes] qelkth/ria ["enchantments"], songs, from a bard enchanting those listening to songs and leading [them] into pleasure. And Telchines are a kind of sorcerers [qelxi=nes];[2] for, he says,[3] begrudging the waters their nature they used to make the sprouts dry, while keeping the plants to themselves [4].
Greek Original:
*qe/lgei: a)gapa=|, h)\ kakoi=, a)mauroi=, skotoi=, h)\ a)pata=|, h)\ qa/lpei. *qe/lgein de\ kuri/ws e)sti\ to\ ei)s o(\ qe/lei tis a)/gein tina/. o(/qen kai\ qelkth/ria, ta\ a)/|smata, a)po\ tw=n w)|dw=n tou\s a)kou/ontas qe/lgein kai\ a)/gein ei)s te/ryin to\n a)oido/n. kai\ *telxi=nes qelxi=ne/s tine/s ei)si: ta\ ga\r qa/llonta, fhsi/, baskai/nontes toi=s u(/dasi th=s fu/sews au)=a e)poi/oun e(/ws futw=n baskai/nontes.
[1] The headword is third person singular, present indicative active, of qe/lgw. Same or similar glossing in Photius, Hesychius, and other lexica, including Apollonius' Homeric Lexicon, and in scholia on Homer, Iliad 24.343 (where it occurs) and Odyssey 5.47; also a scholion on Apollonius Rhodius, Argonautica 1.27. See also kappa 548.
[2] See tau 293 (and LSJ s.v.: web address 1).
[3] It is not clear who 'he' is.
[4] The meaning of the last phrase is obscure; the text may be corrupt.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: agriculture; botany; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; meter and music; mythology; poetry
Translated by: Ryan Stone on 26 February 2008@11:56:46.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (tweaks) on 26 February 2008@22:32:00.
Catharine Roth (tweaked notes and link, set status) on 27 February 2008@01:14:33.
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 27 February 2008@03:43:30.
David Whitehead (tweaking) on 31 December 2012@04:40:29.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 1 January 2013@02:08:55.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 21 January 2015@02:05:12.
Catharine Roth (tweaked translation, added a note) on 15 October 2018@01:24:10.


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