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Search results for tau,988 in Adler number:
Adler number: tau,988
Translated headword: mash
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning a] drink [made] with spices.[1]
As he says this, Socrates, just like at the sacrifices, rubs porous stones together and smashes them against one another, then gathers the fragments from them and pelts the old man with them, just as sacrificers do to the victims with groats. In this way he is making a play on words, saying that he will be a mash, from the act of mashing the stones and making them touch one another. [He says] "rattle" from bashing the stones against each other, and "flour" from the chips that fall from them. We call people who are incorrigible and not sincere "mashes" and "bashers" and "rattles". This is also why some think it is correct to write the first line of the Odyssey this way: "Sing to me, Muse, about a man of many bashes."[2]
Greek Original:*tri/mma: di' a)rwma/twn po/ma. tau=ta le/gwn o( *swkra/ths, w(/sper ei)s ta\ qu/mata li/qous paratri/bwn pwri/nous kai\ krou/wn pro\s a)llh/lous, sunagagw\n ta\ tou/twn qrau/smata ba/llei to\n presbu/thn au)toi=s, kaqa/per ta\ i(erei=a tai=s ou)lai=s oi( qu/ontes. kai\ dia\ tou=to pai/zei toi=s o)no/masi, tri/mma me\n au)to\n e)/sesqai le/gwn, para\ to\ tri/bein kai\ qigei=n pro\s a)llh/lous tou\s li/qous. kro/talon de\ para\ to\ proskrou/ein tou\s li/qous e(autoi=s. paipa/lhn de\ dia\ th\n a)po\ tou/twn e)k- pi/ptousan latu/phn. kalou=men de\ tw=n a)nqrw/pwn tou\s kakentrexei=s kai\ mh\ a(plou=s peritri/mmata kai\ polukro/tous kai\ kro/tala. o(/qen kai\ to\n prw=ton sti/xon *)odussei/as ou(/tws a)ciou=si gra/fein tine/s: a)/ndra moi e)/nnepe *mou=sa polu/kroton.
For this headword see also
tau 589.
[1] Same gloss in
Photius (tau454 Theodoridis); similar one in
Hesychius tau1402 (and
Pollux 6.18); and see also
Deipnosophists 1.31E (= 1.57 Kaibel).
[2] From the
scholia to
Clouds 260, where these terms occur. (The orthodox version of the first line of
Odyssey has
polu/tropon, not this
Keywords: botany; comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; ethics; food; imagery; poetry; science and technology; stagecraft; trade and manufacture
Translated by: William Hutton on 14 June 2009@15:07:06.
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