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Search results for tau,983 in Adler number:
Adler number: tau,983
Translated headword: dining-hall, dining-room
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Anastasios the emperor, the Two-pupiled, establishes the great dining-hall in [the] Blachernae [palace]; [the one] which up to the present time is called "Anastasian."
Greek Original:*tri/klinos: *)anasta/sios o( basileu/s, o( *di/koros, kti/zei to\n me/gan tri/klinon to\n e)n *blaxe/rnais: o(\s me/xri th=s deu=ro *)anastasiako\s le/getai.
(A marginal addition, Adler reports, in ms V.) From
alpha 2077.
The headword itself, a Greek version of the Latin noun
triclinium, refers literally to the three couches in the room; see also under
iota 449.
Keywords: architecture; biography; chronology; daily life; food; history
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 22 March 2011@21:37:01.
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