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Search results for tau,981 in Adler number:
Adler number: tau,981
Translated headword: three-headed
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Hermes, in the role of someone teaching [about] the roads and bearing an inscription [indicating] where this road leads, and where that. But perhaps having a head [pointing] towards each road. The person who set up the Three-Headed Hermes, as
Philochorus says, [was] Prokleides, a lover of Hipparchos.[1]
Isaeus in the [speech]
On Eukleides [writes]: "a short way up from the three-headed, by the Hestia road".[2] In full this is "the Three-Headed Hermes".
Greek Original:*trike/falos: o( *(ermh=s, w(/sper dida/skwn ta\s o(dou\s kai\ e)/xwn u(pografh/n, pou= me\n au(/th fe/rei h( o(do/s, pou= de\ e)kei/nh. i)/sws de\ pro\s e(ka/sthn o(do\n kefalh\n ei)=xen. e)/sti de\ o( a)naqei\s to\n trike/falon *(ermh=n, w(s *filo/xoro/s fhsi, *proklei/dhs *(ippa/rxou e)rasth/s. *)isai=os e)n tw=| peri\ *eu)klei/dou: mikro\n d' a)/nw tou= *trikefa/lou, para\ th\n *(esti/an o(do/n. to\ plh=re/s e)sti tou= trikefa/lou *(ermou=.
Harpokration tau28 Keaney (
Philochorus FGrH 328 F22a), recast and expanded.
[1] =
Lexicon tau457 Theodoridis. '
Philochorus' = FGrH 328 F22b. This
Hipparchus (C6 BCE) was one of the sons of the tyrant Peisistratos (see under
iota 523); he is connected elsewhere with the erection of herms (bearing gnomic wisdom) in Attica. The name of his lover is uncertain: Eukleides, Patrokleides, Prokleides.
Isaeus fr. 59 Sauppe. (But read
pro/s for this
In Reply to Eukleides).
Keywords: biography; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; gender and sexuality; historiography; history; religion; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 12 November 2001@06:16:15.
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