[Meaning] one who wears a robe with signs like little gammas.[1]
Proclus ordered Isidore to change himself to the best way of life and to wear the cloak of philosophy; but he did not submit."[2]
*tribwnofo/ros: o( forw=n stolh\n e)/xousan shmei=a w(s gamma/tia. o( de\ *pro/klos prose/tacen *)isi/dwron metasxhmati/sasqai pro\s to\n a)/riston bi/on kai\ tribwnoforei=n: o( de\ ou)x u(pe/meine.
[1] Likewise or similarly in other lexica (references at
Photius tau444 Theodoridis), and cf. a scholion on
Symposium 219B. For the
tri/bwn or
tribw/nion, see
tau 954,
tau 958. LSJ Suppl. registers the diminitive
gammation as a variant of the equally rare
gammatiskon, an 'ornament on official dress' in John Lydus. However, Theodoridis draws attention to the possibility that the word here might be, more mundanely,
grammatia "little letters".
Life of Isidore fr. 135 Zintzen (88 Asmus); see also
upsilon 198.
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