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Headword: *tribwniano/s
Adler number: tau,957
Translated headword: Tribonianos, Tribonianus, Tribonian
Vetting Status: high
From Side,[1] he too [was one] of the jurist-prefects, a learned man. He wrote in epic verse a commentary to Ptolemy's[2] Canon,[3] a Concord of the universal and harmonic arrangement, Regarding the ruling and the governing [sc. planets],[4] Regarding the houses of the planets, and why a house corresponds to each of them, Regarding the 24 metrical feet and the 28 rhythmical ones, a [sc. Latin] Translation of Homer's Catalogue of Ships,[5] a Macedonian Dialogue or on happiness, and a Life of Theodotus the philosopher[6] in three books, in prose a Consular [speech] to the emperor Justinian,[7] a Royal [speech] to the same, and Concerning the succession of months in epic verse.
Greek Original:
*tribwniano/s, *sidh/ths, a)po\ dikhgo/rwn tw=n u(pa/rxwn kai\ au)to/s, a)nh\r polumaqh/s. e)/grayen e)pikw=s u(po/mnhma ei)s to\n *ptolemai/ou *kano/na, *sumfwni/an tou= kosmikou= kai\ a(rmonikou= diaqe/matos, *ei)s to\n poleu/onta kai\ die/ponta, *ei)s tou\s tw=n planwme/nwn oi)/kous, kai\ dio\ e(ka/stw| oi)=kos o( dei=na, *ei)s tou\s kd# po/das tou\s metrikou\s kai\ tou\s kh# tou\s r(uqmikou/s, *meta/frasin tou= *(omhrikou= tw=n new=n katalo/gou, *dia/logon *makedo/nion h)\ peri\ eu)daimoni/as, kai\ *bi/on *qeodo/tou filoso/fou e)n bibli/ois trisi/n, *(upatiko\n kataloga/dhn ei)s *)ioustiniano\n au)tokra/tora, *basiliko\n ei)s to\n au)to/n, *peri\ mhnw=n e)nallagh=s, e)pikw=s.
On the jurist Tribonian see generally OCD(4) s.v., a summary of Honoré 1978 by its author. Here in the Suda there is a purported distinction between tau 951 ('Tribounian' [sic], quaestor under Justinian), tau 956 (Tribonian the Hellenised Macedonian), and the present entry. In fact they all concern the same individual. The present entry focuses on the literary (non-juristic) works attributed to him.
[1] In Pamphylia, present-day Antalya province, Turkey. Google Maps and Pleiades entry at web addresses 1 and 2.
[2] pi 3033.
[3] See the Livius entry at web address 3. Such a work is also attributed to the Egyptian philosopher Theon (theta 205; cf. pi 265).
[4] For the astrological terms poleu/w and die/pw, see Paulus Alexandrinus, Elementa 21 (*peri\ tou= poleu/ontos kai\ die/pontos); they refer to the planet that rules respectively the day and the hour of one's birth.
[5] Homer, Iliad 2.494-759 (web address 4).
[6] Bernhardy would emend the name to Theodosius.
[7] iota 446, and DIR entry at web address 5.
Honoré, T., Tribonian, London 1978
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2,
Web address 3,
Web address 4,
Web address 5
Keywords: biography; constitution; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; ethics; geography; history; law; meter and music; philosophy; poetry; rhetoric; science and technology
Translated by: Ioannis Doukas on 4 August 2008@20:41:19.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (modified primary note; more keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 5 August 2008@03:47:41.
David Whitehead (cosmetics) on 15 January 2014@05:51:20.
David Whitehead (another note) on 24 March 2014@07:05:39.
David Whitehead on 5 August 2014@08:31:25.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 28 November 2014@14:30:48.
Catharine Roth (tweaked links) on 9 March 2021@01:06:01.


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