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Adler number: tau,952
Translated headword: Tribounos, Tribunus
Vetting Status: high
Translation: This man lived during the time of Chosroes;[1] a Palestinian in nationality, [he was] erudite and not inferior to anyone in matters regarding the medical profession, and he was both especially down-to-earth and pious and had reached the pinnacle of seemliness. And at some point, having healed Chosroes, who was in a bad physical state, he took his leave of the nation of Persia, having carried off as many gifts worthy of note from the man. When, however, a truce happened, Chosroes asked the emperor Justinian to give this physician to Chosroes himself to live with him for a year. And with the request having been granted, Chosroes bid Tribounos to ask for whatever he wanted. And he asked nothing out of all [Chosroes’] riches other than that Chosroes set free some of the Roman prisoners for him. And he set free three thousand, including all the educated men amongst the prisoners, whom he requested by name; and Tribounos had great glory in the eyes of all men from this deed.
Greek Original:*tribou=nos: ou(=tos e)pi\ *xosro/ou h)=n, *palaisti=nos ge/nos, lo/gios kai\ ta\ e)s te/xnhn th\n i)atrikh\n ou)deno\s h(/sswn, a)/llws de\ sw/frwn te kai\ qeofilh\s kai\ th=s e)pieikei/as e)s a)/kron h(/kwn. kai/ pote *xosro/hn kakw=s tou= sw/matos e)/xonta i)asa/menos a)phlla/gh e)k th=s *persw=n xw/ras, dw=ra polla/ te kai\ lo/gou a)/cia pro\s tou= a)nqrw/pou kekomisme/nos. h(ni/ka toi/nun e)kexeiri/a e)ge/neto, *)ioustiniano\n basile/a *xosro/hs to\n i)atro\n tou=ton sundiaithso/menon au(tw=| e)s e)niauto\n h)/|thse dou=nai. th=s te ai)th/sews e)pitelesqei/shs, e)ke/leuse to\n *tribou=non o( *xosro/hs ai)tei=sqai, o(/tou a)\n de/htai. o( de\ a)/llo ou)de\n h)/|tei tw=n pa/ntwn xrhma/twn h)\ w(/ste oi( *(rwmai/wn ai)xmalw/twn tina\s *xosro/hn a)fei=nai. o( de/ oi( a)/llous te trisxili/ous a)fh=ke kai\ o(/sous pro\s o)/noma e)ch|th/sato e)n toi=s ai)xmalw/tois logi/ous o)/ntas, kle/os te me/ga e)k tou= e)/rgou tou/tou e)s pa/ntas a)nqrw/pous o( *tribou=nos e)/sxen.
After the opening phrase establishing the chronology, this entry closely follows
History of the Wars of Justinian 8.10.11-16 (web address 1); cf. Kaldellis (482-483) and PLRE IIIb s.v. Tribunus(2).
Departures from
Procopius' text are very minor: his
*palaisti=nos ge/nos. o( de\ *tribou=nos ou(=tos lo/gios me\n h)=n kai\ becomes
*palaisti=nos ge/nos, lo/gios kai\ here; and in the third sentence
h(ni/ka toi/nun e)kexeiri/a e)ge/neto stands for
h(ni/ka toi/nun h( tau/ths prote/ra e(kexeiri/a e)ge/neto.
[1] See generally
chi 418.
A. Kaldellis, ed. and H.B. Dewing, trans., Prokopios: The Wars of Justinian, (Indianapolis 2014)
J.R. Martindale, The Prosopography of the Later Roman Empire, vol. IIIb, (Cambridge, 1992)
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; chronology; economics; ethics; geography; historiography; history; medicine; military affairs; politics
Translated by: John Mulhall on 22 January 2012@22:58:20.
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