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Search results for tau,950 in Adler number:
Adler number: tau,950
Translated headword: Tribunalion, Tribunalium
Vetting Status: high
Translation: In the Tribunalium of the Palace [sc. in Constantinople] there was a stele [= statue] of Eudocia, the wife of
Theodosius, and of
Theodosius himself and [sc. others] of
Marcianus and of Constantine: there dances of the two parties happened until the time of Heraclius.
Greek Original:*tribouna/lion: o(/ti e)n tw=| tribounali/w| tou= *pallanti/ou sth/lh h)=n *eu)doki/as th=s gunaiko\s *qeodosi/ou, kai\ au)tou= *qeodosi/ou *markianou= te kai\ *kwnstanti/nou: e)/nqa o)rxh/seis tw=n du/o merw=n e)gi/nonto e(/ws *(hraklei/ou.
Keywords: architecture; art history; biography; chronology; history; politics; women
Translated by: John Mulhall on 9 November 2011@17:40:34.
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