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Search results for tau,943 in Adler number:
Adler number: tau,943
Translated headword: Stesichoros' three, Stesichorus' three
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] strophe, antistrophe, epode: for all of
Stesichorus' poetry [is] epodic. And they used to say, in reviling one who was perfectly unmusical and uneducated, that he did not know even
Stesichorus' three.[1]
Greek Original:*tri/a *sthsixo/rou: strofh/n, a)nti/strofon, e)pw|do/n: e)pw|dikh\ ga\r pa=sa h( tou= *sthsixo/rou poi/hsis. kai\ to\n tele/ws a)/mouso/n te kai\ a)pai/deuton loidorou=ntes e)/faskon a)\n ou)de\ tri/a ta\ *sthsixo/rou ei)de/nai.
Keywords: daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; meter and music; poetry; proverbs
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 15 December 2002@21:05:16.
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