*traumatisqh=nai: a)nti\ tou= trwqh=nai. *qoukudi/dhs a#.
Same entry in
Photius (tau421 Theodoridis), taken to come from Aelius
Dionysius (tau22), and similarly in
Antiatticista 114.19-20. In fact, neither version of the aorist passive infinitive of
traumati/zw occurs in
Thucydides, whether book 1 or anywhere else. Adler suggests in her critical apparatus an emendation from '1' to '4', because the aorist passive participle
traumatisqei/s occurs in 4.12.1. Theodoridis cites Naber and Erbse to the same effect: besides 4.12.1 see 4.35.1 (
traumatizome/nwn) and 4.129.4 (
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