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Headword: *trai+ano/s
Adler number: tau,902
Translated headword: Traianos, Trajan
Vetting Status: high
Emperor of [the] Romans, who was noble and a hater of iniquity, and just, to such an extent that once, after exercising, he gave his sword to his lieutenant in the presence of the members of his inner circle, saying; "Receive this sword. If I am good, [use it] on my behalf; if not, use it against me."[1]
This man provided a certain relief for the Christians from persecution; for those who took the opportunity to purchase official positions under the Romans in the service of the emperors of that time were imposing discriminatory punishments on the Christians. Hence also Tiberianus, governing the first tribe of the Palestinians, mentioned this to him, saying that it is not enough to kill the Christians henceforth, since those people willingly bring themselves to this punishment. Accordingly Trajan at once forbade all the people under him from taking vengeance on these [Christians].[2]
Greek Original:
*trai+ano/s, basileu\s *(rwmai/wn: o(\s a)gaqo\s kai\ misopo/nhros kai\ di/kaios tosou=ton u(ph=rxen, w(/ste pote\ gumnw/sas r(omfai/an e)nw/pion tw=n megista/nwn au)tou= e)pe/dwke tw=| u(pa/rxw|, le/gwn: de/cai to\ ci/fos tou=to, kai\ ei) me\n kalo\s u(pa/rxw, u(pe\r e)mou=: ei) de\ mh/, kat' e)mou= xrh=sai. ou(=tos toi=s *xristianoi=s a)nakwxh/n tina th=s timwri/as pare/sxen: oi( ga\r kata\ kairo\n u(po\ tw=n *(rwmai/wn ta\s a)rxa\s w)nou/menoi pro\s qerapei/an tw=n to/te basile/wn diafo/rous e)ph=gon toi=s *xristianoi=s kola/seis. o(/qen kai\ *tiberiano/s, h(gemoneu/wn tou= prw/tou *palaistinw=n e)/qnous, a)nh/gagen au)tw=| le/gwn, w(s ou)k e)parkei= loipo\n tou\s *xristianou\s foneu/ein, e)kei/nwn au)toma/tws e)peisago/ntwn e(autou\s th=| kola/sei. e)nteu=qen o( *trai+ano\s pa=sin a(/ma toi=s u(p' au)to\n a)phgo/reue tou= timwrei=sqai tou/tous.
M. Ulpius Traianus, reigned 98-117 CE; see generally J.B. Campbell in OCD(4) s.v. Trajan, and Web address 1 (Herbert Benario).
[1] George the Monk, Chronicon 450.7-11.
[2] John of Antioch fr.111 FHG (4.580), now 193 Roberto.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: athletics; biography; Christianity; chronology; economics; ethics; geography; historiography; history; law; military affairs; religion
Translated by: Kenny Schmitt on 11 December 2002@12:24:12.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (added references) on 11 December 2002@19:01:53.
David Whitehead (modified translation; augmented notes and keywords; restorative and other cosmetics) on 12 December 2002@03:14:38.
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 3 October 2005@09:42:20.
David Whitehead on 15 January 2014@04:29:43.
David Whitehead on 5 August 2014@08:28:30.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 11 November 2014@01:53:55.
David Whitehead (updated a ref) on 30 January 2015@05:16:51.
Catharine Roth (tweaked note) on 15 March 2019@00:57:00.


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