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Adler number: tau,900
Translated headword: tragic
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning something] emotional. [sc. The term is used] because tragedy [is] expressive of emotional matters, or because he intends to speak about tragedy.
Greek Original:*tragw|diko/n: e)mpaqe/s. e)pei/per kai\ h( tragw|di/a e)mpaqw=n pragma/twn a)paggeltikh/, h)\ e)peidh\ peri\ tragw|di/as me/llei le/gein.
The headword, neuter accusative singular of this adjective, occurs at
Acharnians 9. The Suda follows the gloss of the
scholia there.
Keywords: comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; tragedy
Translated by: David Whitehead on 27 September 2013@07:09:05.
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