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Adler number: tau,89
Translated headword: Tanchosdro
Vetting Status: high
Translation: This man was a general of Chosroes.[1]
Menander [writes]: "but Tanchosdro, Chosroes' general, having collected not elephants and a mass of wild beasts and other such terrors -- suitable for a boast but in no way effective and weighty --, but [sc. instead] the men bravest at fighting and best armed, as an answer to [that] ignoble mass, having picked out those skilled in war."[2]
Greek Original:*tanxosdrw/: ou(=tos strathgo\s h)=n tou= *xosro/ou. *me/nandros: o( de\ *tanxosdrw/, o( tou= *xosro/ou strathgo/s, ou)xi\ e)le/fanta/s te kai\ a)groi/kwn o(/milon kai\ e(/tera a)/tta fo/bhtra ko/mpw| me\n a(rmo/dia, e)nerga\ de\ kai\ e)mbriqh= ou)damw=s, a)lla\ tou\s maximwta/tous te kai\ eu)oplota/tous a)gei/ras plh/qous te a)gennou=s a)nta/llagma tou\s ta\ pole/mia deinou\s a)pokri/nas.
Keywords: biography; ethics; historiography; history; military affairs; zoology
Translated by: David Whitehead on 8 November 2006@05:20:12.
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