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Search results for tau,888 in Adler number:
Adler number: tau,888
Translated headword: desserts, sweetmeats
Vetting Status: high
Translation: "And when many were dining together, he would sometimes serve for desserts three or four nuts, and (if it was a good day), five or six dried figs. And if we spoke up in a very polite manner and asked for more, he might perhaps add two or three with a very serious expression, not suspecting [the cause of] the young men's laughter."[1]
Apollodoros son of Asklepiades, the grammarian, was the first to begin what are called "tragic iambs."[2]
Greek Original:*tragh/mata. kai\ paratiqe/nai tw=n traghma/twn polloi=s a(/ma sunestiwme/nois: e)ni/ote karu/wn me\n tri/a h)\ te/ttara, tw=n de\ i)sxa/dwn, a)\n ou(/tw tu/xoi, e# h)\ #2#. ei) de\ parrhsiasqe/ntes h(mei=s xari/essa/n tina parrhsi/an h)|th/samen e)/ti plei/ous, prose/qhken a)\n i)/sws du/o h)\ tri/a, ma/la semnw=| prosw/pw| kai\ ou)de\n u(forw/menos to\n tw=n newte/rwn ge/lwta. o(/ti tw=n legome/nwn *tragia/mbwn prw=tos h)=rcen *)apollo/dwros, *)asklhpia/dou, o( grammatiko/s.
tau 1075 (and
epsilon 2750).
Damascius Life of Isidore fr. 24 Asmus, 51 Zintzen, 26C Athanassiadi; cf.
sigma 738,
upsilon 739. According to Athanassiadi, common meals were part of the duty of a Platonist teacher.
[2] From
alpha 3407. (Substantively unconnected with the rest of the entry.)
Keywords: biography; daily life; ethics; food; philosophy; poetry
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 17 May 2003@19:03:32.
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