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Search results for tau,883 in Adler number:
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Headword: *tw)fqalmw\ paraba/llh|
Adler number: tau,883
Translated headword: you are casting your eyes down
Vetting Status: high
Aristophanes in Clouds [uses the phrase]. That is, you are lowering your eyes and looking down. Homer [uses the phrase]: "looking askance."[1] For that is how Socrates used to walk. And Plato [says] about him: "looking down bull-like, just as usual".[2]
Greek Original:
*tw)fqalmw\ paraba/llh|: *)aristofa/nhs *nefe/lais. toute/sti toi=s o)fqalmoi=s u(fora=|s kai\ u(poble/ph|. *(/omhros: u(po/dra i)dw/n. ou(/tw ga\r e)ba/dizen o( *swkra/ths. kai\ *pla/twn peri\ au)tou=: taurhdo\n u(poble/yas, w(/sper ei)w/qei.
A version of Aristophanes, Clouds 362 (the verb should be active paraba/lleis), with fuller scholia. See also beta 532, tau 157, and (for Socrates) sigma 829.
[1] Homer, Iliad 1.148 (of Achilles).
[2] Plato, Phaedo 117B (with these phrases reversed).
Keywords: biography; comedy; definition; epic; ethics; imagery; medicine; mythology; zoology
Translated by: David Whitehead on 6 February 2014@07:49:09.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (coding, status) on 6 February 2014@19:31:03.
David Whitehead (x-refs) on 7 February 2014@03:03:04.


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