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Search results for tau,871 in Adler number:
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Headword: *tw=n triw=n kakw=n e(/n
Adler number: tau,871
Translated headword: one of the three evils
Vetting Status: high
It is a certain saying. And Menander setting forth two, as if proverbially adds on jokingly, "for [he] has one evil of these three."[1] But they say that these are the three penalties which Theramenes prescribed. Polyzelus in Demotyndareus [writes]: "so it was altogether necessary for him to choose [one] of the three evils, to drag a timber or to drink hemlock or after betraying the ship to be relieved of evils as quickly as possible. These are Theramenes' three, which you must avoid."[2] Aristophanes in Triphales [writes]: "for I fear these three from Theramenes."[3]
Greek Original:
*tw=n triw=n kakw=n e(/n: lego/meno/n ti/ e)sti. kai\ *me/nandros du/o proqei/s, w(s paroimiw=des e)pile/gei pai/zwn to/, e(\n ga/r ti tou/twn tw=n triw=n e)/xei kako/n. tau=ta de\ ei)=nai le/gousin, a(\ *qhrame/nhs w(/rise prosti/mata. *polu/zhlos *dhmotunda/rew|: triw=n kakw=n gou=n h)=n e(le/sqai au)tw=| ti pa=s' a)na/gkh, cu/lon e)fe/lkein h)\ piei=n kw/neion h)\ prodo/nta th\n nau=n o(/pws ta/xista tw=n kakw=n a)pallagh=nai. tau=t' e)/sti tri/a *qhrame/nous, a(/ soi fulakte/' e)sti/n. *)aristofa/nhs *trifa/lhti: e)gw\ ga\r a)po\ *qhrame/nous de/doika ta\ tri/a tauti/.
Likewise Photius' Lexicon (tau602 Theodoridis), taken to come from Pausanias the Atticist (tau57); similarly already in Hesychius (tau1332, tau 1754) and a scholion to Aristophanes, Frogs 540.
On Theramenes see generally theta 342, theta 343, theta 344, theta 345.
[1] Menander fr. 826 Kock, 579 K.-A.
[2] Polyzelus fr. 3 Kock (and K.-A.).
[3] Aristophanes fr. 549 Kock, 563 K.-A. (See also tau 1031.)
Keywords: biography; comedy; daily life; ethics; history; law; proverbs
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 24 February 2014@18:59:36.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords) on 25 February 2014@05:23:40.
David Whitehead (coding) on 29 May 2016@04:58:13.


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