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Search results for tau,868 in Adler number:
Adler number: tau,868
Translated headword: of the things for the quiver
Vetting Status: high
Translation: They say that when the Scythians are about to go to sleep they bring the quiver, and if they happen to have spent that day painlessly they place a white pebble in the quiver; but if troublesomely, a black one. Thus in the case of men dying they would bring out the quivers and count the pebbles; and if the white [pebbles] were found to be in the majority, they would reckon the dying man happy. Hence also arose the proverbial way of describing a good day as brilliant [white].
Greek Original:*tw=n ei)s th\n fare/tran: fasi\ tou\s *sku/qas me/llontas kaqeu/dein a)/gein th\n fare/tran, kai\ ei) me\n a)lu/pws tu/xoien th\n h(me/ran e)kei/nhn diaga/gontes, kaqie/nai ei)s th\n fare/tran yh=fon leukh/n: ei) de\ o)xlhrw=s, me/lainan. e)pi\ toi/nun tw=n a)poqnhsko/ntwn e)ce/feron ta\s fare/tras kai\ h)ri/qmoun ta\s yh/fous: kai\ ei) eu(re/qhsan plei/ous ai( leukai/, eu)daimo/nizon to\n a)poqano/nta. o(/qen kai\ paroimiasqh=nai th\n a)gaqh\n h(me/ran leukh/n.
Keywords: aetiology; daily life; ethics; geography; imagery; military affairs; proverbs
Translated by: David Whitehead on 3 August 2006@08:22:08.
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