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Search results for tau,834 in Adler number:
Adler number: tau,834
Translated headword: the words of Kosas, the words of Kossas
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Kos[s]as was a just man, a native of
Pellene. These Pelleneans were at war with the Salaminians and called on their neighbours as allies, having promised to give them a share of the [Salaminian] territory. Once they had won, however, they did not hand it over, even though
Kos[s]as was advising them in this to abide by their agreements. The result was that when the Pelleneans fell victim to plague they took to praising "the words of
Greek Original:*tou\s *ko/sa lo/gous: *ko/sas e)ge/neto di/kaios a)nh/r, *pellhneu\s to\ ge/nos. oi( de\ *pellhnei=s ou(=toi po/lemon e)/sxon pro\s tou\s *salamini/ous kai\ e)pekale/santo summa/xous tou\s gei/tonas, o(mologh/santes au)toi=s metadw/sein th=s xw/ras: nikh/santes de\ ou) mete/dwkan, kai\ tau=ta sumbouleu/ontos tou= *ko/sou tai=s o(mologi/ais e)mme/nein. a)nq' w(=n loimw=| peripeso/ntes tou\s *ko/sou lo/gous e)ph/|noun.
On the name of this individual, and other matters arising, see
kappa 2134.
Keywords: aetiology; biography; daily life; ethics; geography; history; medicine; military affairs; proverbs
Translated by: David Whitehead on 5 September 2001@03:24:04.
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