*tou\s e(tai/rous tragw|dou\s a)gwniei=tai: paroimi/a e)sti\n e)pi\ tw=n a(rmozome/nwn kai\ semnopoiou/ntwn e(autou\s pro\s ta\ e)nanti/a, w(s *di/dumo/s fhsi.
Abridged from Harpokration (and
Photius) s.v., commenting in the first instance on
Lycurgus fr. 17 Conomis.
Didymus p.321 Schmidt (but not 'a proverb' in the sense of something taken up by the paroemiographers). The Suda version of this has
e(tai/rous, 'comrades', but Harpok. shows that it should be
e(te/rous, 'other(s)' (which I have translated here).
Catharine Roth (set status) on 3 November 2004@23:52:38.
David Whitehead (augmented keywords; cosmetics) on 4 November 2004@03:00:37.
David Whitehead (tweaked notes; more keywords; cosmetics) on 14 July 2011@04:52:50.
David Whitehead (modified hw, at the prompting of Prof J C McKeown) on 10 September 2016@08:06:46.
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