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Headword: *tou\s e(tai/rous tragw|dou\s a)gwniei=tai
Adler number: tau,833
Translated headword: he will compete with the other tragedians
Vetting Status: high
It is a proverb [applied] to those accommodating and magnifying themselves against their opposites, as Didymus says.[1]
Greek Original:
*tou\s e(tai/rous tragw|dou\s a)gwniei=tai: paroimi/a e)sti\n e)pi\ tw=n a(rmozome/nwn kai\ semnopoiou/ntwn e(autou\s pro\s ta\ e)nanti/a, w(s *di/dumo/s fhsi.
Abridged from Harpokration (and Photius) s.v., commenting in the first instance on Lycurgus fr. 17 Conomis.
[1] Didymus p.321 Schmidt (but not 'a proverb' in the sense of something taken up by the paroemiographers). The Suda version of this has e(tai/rous, 'comrades', but Harpok. shows that it should be e(te/rous, 'other(s)' (which I have translated here).
Keywords: biography; daily life; ethics; imagery; proverbs; rhetoric; tragedy
Translated by: David Whitehead on 21 December 2000@06:59:02.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (set status) on 3 November 2004@23:52:38.
David Whitehead (augmented keywords; cosmetics) on 4 November 2004@03:00:37.
David Whitehead (tweaked notes; more keywords; cosmetics) on 14 July 2011@04:52:50.
David Whitehead (modified hw, at the prompting of Prof J C McKeown) on 10 September 2016@08:06:46.


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