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Adler number: tau,818
Translated headword: touldon
Vetting Status: high
Translation: In Latin [it means] the saddle-bags that carry the supplies of the enemy.
Greek Original:*tou=ldon: *(rwmai+sti\ ta\ sagma/ria ta\ th\n a)poskeu/hn tw=n polemi/wn basta/zonta.
Theophylact Simocatta,
Histories 2.4.1, comments on the word: "the Persian baggage, which it is customary for the Romans to call
touldon in the local language." (This statement does not guarantee that the "local language" was Latin: see below.) Eventually it becomes the standard word for the baggage train in the Byzantine army. It most often appears as neuter (hence the current headword could be nominative or accusative), but it is also sometimes treated as masculine,
tou=ldos, in e.g. ps.-
Strategicon 1.3.24). In Latin sources it appears as neuter
The word occurs frequently in Byzantine historians and military writers; cf.
alpha 3526,
sigma 24. Sophia Gyftopoulou discusses the etymology (pp. 84-86): perhaps related to Latin
tuli, perfect of
fero, perhaps Germanic, or perhaps from Avar or Turkish language.
S. Gyftopoulou, "Historical Information Gathered from Mauricii Strategicon," Byzantina Symmeikta vol. 23 (2013), pp. 59-89 (web address 1)
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; historiography; military affairs
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 7 February 2014@18:57:05.
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