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Search results for tau,813 in Adler number:
Adler number: tau,813
Translated headword: so the man from Korykos was listening in
Vetting Status: high
Translation: The story goes that in the vicinity of Korykos in
Pamphylia[1] there were pirates, with whom some people in Korykos were working in collusion; the target of their schemes was the cargoes of those sailing by, and they took the opportunity to inform the pirates of the journeys intended. So the proverb's force applied to those appearing to be discreet while actually making their intentions known.
Greek Original:*tou= d' a)/ra o( *kwrukai=os h)kroa/zeto: fasi\n o(/ti peri\ *kw/rukon th=s *pamfuli/as h)=san peiratai/, oi(=s tines tw=n e)n *kwru/kw| sumpra/ttontes perieirga/zonto tw=n pleo/ntwn ta\ forti/a kai\ to\n kairo/n, kaq' o(\n me/lloien plei=n, toi=s peiratai=s e)mh/nuon. e)kra/thsen ou)=n h( paroimi/a e)pi\ tw=n dokou/ntwn me\n lanqa/nein, ei)s gnw=sin de\ e)rxome/nwn.
Keywords: daily life; economics; ethics; geography; proverbs
Translated by: David Whitehead on 15 December 2002@10:05:56.
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