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Search results for tau,809 in Adler number:
Adler number: tau,809
Translated headword: of someone, of something
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Used also for the feminine, like
Aristophanes in
Amphiareus [writes]: "I bring this meat for him from some woman."[2] For the neuter, in
Danaids: "but come in, as I wish to tell this business; for it seems to smell of something [bad]."[3] And for the masculine,
Pherekrates in
Korianno: "undoubtedly they are of some one, at any rate, of the friends."[4]
Greek Original:*tou: kai\ e)pi\ qhlukou= ta/ttetai, w(/sper to\ ti/nos. *)aristofa/nhs *)amfia/rew|: tauti\ ta\ kre/' au)tw=| para\ gunaiko/s tou fe/rw. e)pi\ de\ ou)dete/rou *danai/+sin: a)ll' ei)/siq', w(s to\ pra=gma le/cai bou/lomai touti/: proso/zein ga\r ka)/|k tou moi dokei=. e)pi\ de\ a)rsenikou= *koriannoi= *ferekra/ths: pa/ntws ga/r ei)si tw=n fi/lwn e(no/s ge/ tou.
Keywords: comedy; daily life; dialects, grammar, and etymology; food; women
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 31 January 2001@00:59:16.
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