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Search results for tau,791 in Adler number:
Adler number: tau,791
Translated headword: Torquatus, Necklaced
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A surname; for the Gallic[1] people had been moved to descend on Italy; and when the forces were encamped opposite each other, a distinguished senator [called] Manlius challenged the king of the Gauls to single combat, because he was making all sorts of boasts including an offer to take on the best of the Romans. Manlius struck him down with an opportune blow, stripped the corpse, took off the necklace round his neck -- a characeristic item of Gallic adornment -- and wore it himself; and from this he was named Torquatus (which would be Necklace-bearing) by the citizens, and he bequeathed this name to his descendants as a memento of his bravery.[2]
Greek Original:*torkoua=tos: o)/noma kat' e)pi/klhsin: kinhqe\n ga\r to\ *keltw=n e)/qnos kata\ th=s *)itali/as e)rru/h: kai\ a)ntikaqezome/nwn a)llh/lois tw=n stratope/dwn, *ma/llios a)nh\r tw=n a)po\ boulh=s e)pifanh\s to\n basile/a tw=n *keltw=n ta/ te a)/lla megalhgorou/menon kai\ prosie/nai oi( to\n a)/riston tw=n *(rwmai/wn e)s i)dia/zousan sumplokh\n prokalou/menon u(posta\s e)pikairi/w| kataba/llei trau/mati, skuleu/sas te to\n nekro\n kai\ to\n peri\ to\n tra/xhlon strepto\n a)nelo/menos, o(\s e)pixw/rio/s e)sti *keltoi=s ko/smos, au)to\s perie/qeto: kai\ a)po\ tou=de *torkoua=tos pro\s tw=n politw=n e)piklhqei\s [o(/per a)\n ei)/h streptofo/ros] mnhmei=on th=s a)ristei/as th\n e)pi/klhsin tau/thn toi=s a)f' e(autou= katale/loipe.
For Titus Manlius Imperiosus Torquatus see generally Andrew Drummond in OCD(4) s.v. [p.893]: consul 347, 344, 340 BCE. His famous duel with the Gaul, which gave rise to the family's
cognomen, has been variously dated to 367, 361, 358 and 357 BCE. See also
delta 1112.
The source of the present entry was taken by Adler to be John of
Antioch; now his fr.93 Roberto. Compare e.g. Eutropius,
Breviarium 2.5.
[1] Here (throughout) 'Celtic'.
[2] For his best-known descendant see J. Briscoe in OCD(4) s.v. Manlius Torquatus, Titus (consul 235 and 224 BCE).
Keywords: aetiology; biography; clothing; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; geography; historiography; history; military affairs
Translated by: David Whitehead on 27 April 2003@04:51:55.
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