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Search results for tau,768 in Adler number:
Adler number: tau,768
Translated headword: tension, exertion, pitch
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] energetic, or power.[1]
The Pisidian [writes]: "for you drew them just as the tension of the sun drags the moisture to itself by its attraction."[2]
The ropes of a bed [are] also [called] to/nos.[3]
The hexameter epic verse [is] also [called] to/nos.[4] "There was a Pythian prediction[5] in hexameter verses, foretelling the end thus: 'Son of Aeacus, beware to approach the Acherousian water and Pandosia, where death is fated[6] for you.' And joining battle with the Brettii and Leucani at a certain river, when the bridge was broken, and he heard the inhabitants calling the river Acherontis and the neighboring city Pandosia, comparing the places to the saying which he had, and knowing that the oracle was fulfilled, then indeed he approached his noble death and rushing unsparingly towards the center of the enemy, first doing many deeds, he fell fighting thus. He was Alexander the marriage-connection of Philip, [sc. and] brother of Olympios."[7]
Greek Original:*to/non: eu)/tonon, h)\ du/namin. *pisi/dhs: ei(=lkes ga\r au)tou\s w(/sper h(li/ou to/nos su/rei pro\s au(to\n e(lktikw=s ta\s i)kma/das. *to/nos kai\ tou= krabba/tou ta\ sxoini/a. *to/nos kai\ to\ e(ca/metron e)/pos. *puqiko\n h)=n proma/nteuma e)n to/nois e(came/trois, ou(/tw prole/gon th\n teleuth/n: *ai)aki/dh profu/laco molei=n *)axerou/sion u(/dwr *pandosi/hn q', o(/qi toi qa/natos peprwme/non e)sti/. kai\ suna/yas ma/xhn *bretti/ois kai\ *leukanoi=s e)pi/ tini potamw=|, th=s gefu/ras r(agei/shs, tw=n prosxw/rwn a)kou/sas to\n potamo\n a)pokalou/ntwn *)axero/ntida, th\n de\ plhsi/on po/lin *pandosi/an, pro\s o(\ ei)=xe lo/gion sumbalw\n tou\s to/pous, kai\ gnou\s o(/ti a)/ra to\ xrew\n e)kpe/plhstai, to/te dh\ to\n eu)klea= poreu/etai qa/naton kai\ pro\s me/sous tou\s polemi/ous w)qou/menos a)feidw=s, polla\ pro/teron dra/sas, ou(/tw pi/ptei maxo/menos. h)=n de\ *)ale/candros o( *fili/ppou khdesth/s, *)olumpi/ou a)delfo/s.
The headword is accusative case, evidently quoted from somewhere.
[1] Thus the gloss as transmitted (and Adler makes no comment), but 'or' spoils it. See rather
Photius tau377 Theodoridis: 'energetic power'.
[2] George of
Heraclias 3 fr. 44.
[3] From a scholion on
Knights 532, where
to/nos refers to the strings of a lyre; cf.
eta 199.
[4] Adler notes that Gaisford adduced here
Herodotus 1.47.2 (see web address 1) and 1.62.4.
Aelian fr. 327 Domingo-Forasté (329 Hercher); cf.
epsilon 1533. See also
Strabo 6.1.5 (web address 2), Livy 8.24 (web address 3), Justin 12.2.
[6] The
editio princeps of
Demetrius Chalcocondyles (1499) prints the masculine participle
peprwme/nos, as the sense seems to require.
[7] 'Of Olympias', rather, as in Justin (and the
editio princeps). On this man see Brian Bosworth in OCD(4) s.v. 'Alexander(6) I, king of Molossia in Epirus'. The allusion in the oracle is to the fact that his family claimed descent from Aeacus, grandfather of Achilles.
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2,
Web address 3
Keywords: biography; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; ethics; geography; historiography; history; military affairs; meter and music; mythology; poetry; religion; science and technology; trade and manufacture; women
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 20 June 2011@01:37:03.
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