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Search results for tau,767 in Adler number:
Adler number: tau,767
Translated headword: to scratch the scratcher back
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [sc. A proverbial phrase] in reference to those harming someone, or even ministering to them.[1] The metaphor [comes] from donkeys, inasmuch as they are scratched by each other and scratch back.
Greek Original:*to\n cu/onta a)nticu/ein: e)pi\ tw=n blapto/ntwn tina/s, h)\ kai\ qerapeuo/ntwn. h( de\ metafora\ a)po\ tw=n o)/nwn, paro/son e)kei=noi u(p' a)llh/lwn knh/qontai kai\ a)ntiknh/qousi.
Epicharmus fr. 147 K.-A.; Gregorius 3.78,
Apostolius 17.20, etc.; Tosi [see under
alpha 378] no.477.
See also
xi 91.
[1] Thus modern equivalents would be 'what goes around, comes around' for the former, and 'you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours' for the latter. (
Diogenianus 8.48 has the latter only.)
Keywords: comedy; daily life; ethics; imagery; proverbs; zoology
Translated by: David Whitehead on 15 December 2002@10:27:18.
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