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Headword: *to\n *kolofw=na e)pe/qhken
Adler number: tau,766
Translated headword: he added the finishing touch
Vetting Status: high
[sc. A proverb deriving] from the occasion when the Kolophonians were fighting each other and part of them went to settle with the Smyrnaians. On one occasion the Smyrnaians were away for a war, one time, and the Kolophonians who had been left behind in Smyrna took over the city; as a result, the Kolophonians had two cities, Kolophon and Smyrna. And in deliberating about anything, the Smyrnaians who had been left behind with the Kolophonians in Smyrna ceded their votes to the Kolophonians when the votes were equal, and the vote was won by this addition. And thus the saying applied to every matter of supreme sovereignty is 'to add the finishing touch to the rest', as in reference to the 2nd votes of the Kolophonians [being added] to the other [vote] of these.[1]
Greek Original:
*to\n *kolofw=na e)pe/qhken: e)k tou= tou\s *kolofwni/ous pro\s e(autou\s stasia/santa/s tina tou/twn moi=ran cunoiki/sai toi=s *smurnai/ois. ei)s po/lemon de/ pote/ tina a)pelqo/ntwn *smurnai/wn, tou\s me\n u(poleifqe/ntas e)n *smu/rnh| *kolofwni/ous krath=sai au)th=s: w(s tou\s *kolofwni/ous e)k tou/tou du/o po/leis e)/xein, th/n te *kolofw=na kai\ *smu/rnan. kai\ e)n tw=| bouleu/esqai peri/ tinos *smurnai/ous, oi(\ u(pelei/fqhsan meta\ tw=n *kolofwni/wn e)n *smu/rnh|, o(/te i)/sai yh=foi tou/tois e)ge/nonto, pro\s tou\s *kolofwni/ous a)nafe/rein au)ta/s, kai\ h(=| prose/qento, tau/thn kratei=n. kai\ ou(/tw le/getai e)pi\ panto\s tou= kuriwta/tou to\n *kolofw=na e)piti/qesqai toi=s loipoi=s, w(s e)pi\ tw=n yh/fwn tw=n b# tw=n *kolofwni/wn th=| tou/twn e(te/ra|.
See already under tau 765.
[1] The end of the passage was regarded by Kuster as corrupt.
Keywords: aetiology; daily life; geography; history; military affairs; politics; proverbs
Translated by: David Whitehead on 16 December 2002@04:07:27.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (set status) on 31 October 2004@01:38:22.
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 1 November 2004@03:09:26.
David Whitehead (cosmetics) on 14 August 2011@09:55:32.
David Whitehead on 14 January 2014@06:39:07.
David Whitehead (tweaked tr; another note) on 26 March 2014@08:44:47.


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