Suda On Line
Search results for tau,765 in Adler number:
Adler number: tau,765
Translated headword: add the finishing touch
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Twelve cities of
Ionia came together into the so-called Panion,[1] to deliberate on matters of common interest. And if ever the votes were equal, the Kolophonians deployed the special, winning [one]. This was because they embraced Smyrnaians who had come as fellow-settlers, and they cast the vote on their behalf. Hence the proverb is applied to a powerful, firm vote.
Greek Original:*to\n *kolofw=na e)pi/qes: ib# po/leis th=s *)iwni/as sunh/|esan ei)s to\ *pa/nion lego/menon, peri\ tw=n koinw=n bouleuso/menai. kai\ ei)/ pote i)/sai ai( yh=foi e)ge/nonto, oi( *kolofw/nioi peritth\n e)ti/qento th\n nikw=san: *smurnai/ous ga\r e)lqo/ntas ei)=xon sunoi/kous: u(pe\r w(=n kai\ th\n yh=fon e)ti/qento. o(/qen e)pi\ th=s kratou/shs kai\ bebai/as yh/fou h( paroimi/a ei)/rhtai.
The proverb (Gregorius 3.74,
Apostolius 16.92, etc.; again under
tau 766) plays on the link -- lost in translation -- between the noun
kolofw=n (
kappa 1955) and the Ionian city of
Kolophon (present-day Degirmendere; Barrington Atlas map 61 grid E1).
Panionion, rather. See generally
Herodotus 1.141-2: web address 1. (The correction was made in the Suda
editio princeps; Adler notes this but does not follow suit.)
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: aetiology; daily life; geography; historiography; history; politics; proverbs
Translated by: David Whitehead on 16 December 2002@03:49:43.
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