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Search results for tau,754 in Adler number:
Adler number: tau,754
Translated headword: Tomis, Tomi
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Name of a city. Spelled in two ways.[1]
Greek Original:*to/mis: o)/noma po/lews. diforei=tai.
Present-day Constantsa, in Romania, on the Black Sea (Barrington Atlas map 22 grid F4). A Milesian colony of the (?)C6 BC. Most famous as the place of exile of the Roman poet Ovid. See generally OCD(4) s.v.
[1] That is, with omega rather than omicron as the first vowel: cf.
tau 859. The omicron version appears to be the more authentic:
Strabo 7.5.12, 7.6.1;
Stephanus of
Byzantium s.v. Tomeus.
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; history; poetry
Translated by: David Whitehead on 24 September 2002@09:20:09.
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