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Search results for tau,753 in Adler number:
Adler number: tau,753
Translated headword: castrated
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning a] eunuch.[1]
"Narses, the general of the Romans, was castrated, and he was not particularly well-spoken or cultured, although he had been brought up very luxuriously in the imperial court. He was short in stature and unusually thin."[2] He was a contemporary of Justinian.
Greek Original:*tomi/as: eu)nou=xos. o( de\ *narsh=s, o( strathgo\s tw=n *(rwmai/wn, tomi/as h)=n, kai\ th=s eu)glwtti/as au)tw=| ou)/ti ma/la meth=n ou)de\ paidei/as, kai\ e)n toi=s basilei/ois truferw/tata a)nateqramme/nos. h)=n de\ a)/ra kai\ to\ sw=ma braxu\s kai\ e)n i)sxno/thti e)kdedih|thme/nos. h)=n d' e)pi\ *)ioustinianou=.
[1] Same glossing in other lexica
[2] Abridged and approximated from
Histories 1.16; see more fully under the Narses entry (
nu 42).
Keywords: biography; chronology; definition; ethics; food; gender and sexuality; historiography; history; medicine; politics
Translated by: John Mulhall on 9 November 2011@17:29:10.
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