*tolmhti/as: tolmhro/s. *)agaqi/as: tolmhti/as ga\r h)=n e)s ta\ ma/lista kai\ taraxw/dhs kai\ pe/ra tou= a)nagkai/ou to\ filoki/ndunon kekthme/nos. peri\ *qeudibe/rtou le/gwn, ui(ou= *qeuderi/xou.
[1] Likewise or similarly in other lexica; references at
Photius tau364 Theodoridis. Originating, it seems, in Attic comedy: see
Comica adespota fr. 1166 Kock, now 430 K.-A.
Histories 1.4 (about Theodoric the Merovingian king of Metz etc., who reigned 511-534, and Theudebert his son, who reigned 534-548). See also
theta 299.
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