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Adler number: tau,733
Translated headword: the wall of Hipparchos
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Hipparchos the son of Peisistratos built a wall round the Academy,[1] having compelled the Athenians to spend a great deal [on it]. And this gave rise to the proverb in reference to expensive projects.
Greek Original:*to\ *(ippa/rxou teixi/on: *(/ipparxos o( *peisistra/tou peri\ th\n *)akadhmi/an tei=xos w)|kodo/mhse, polla\ a)nagka/sas a)nalw=sai tou\s *)aqhnai/ous. o(/qen kai\ e)pi\ tw=n dapanhrw=n pragma/twn h( paroimi/a ei)/rhtai.
Apostolius 17.8, Gregorius 3.81, etc.
On Hipparchos (the younger son of the Athenian tyrant Peisistratos:
pi 1474), assassinated in 514 BCE, see generally
iota 523, and OCD4
[1] An Athenian park and gymnasium outside the city walls to the NW; see generally
alpha 774,
alpha 775. On possible archaeological remains of the Hipparchan Wall there see in brief R.E. Wycherley,
The Stones of Athens (Princeton 1978) 224.
Keywords: architecture; biography; daily life; economics; geography; history; politics; proverbs
Translated by: David Whitehead on 11 May 2001@05:09:37.
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