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Adler number: tau,718
Translated headword: to meet with cut straps
Vetting Status: high
Translation: This is with the thongs, with the reins;[1] so 'straps' stands for the reins, by which Orestes was dragged, having fallen down from the chariot.[2]
Greek Original:*tmhtoi=s o(lkoi=s e)gku/rsai: tou/testi toi=s lw/rois, toi=s i(ma/sin: o(lkou\s ou)=n a)nti\ tw=n i(ma/ntwn, oi(=s ei(lku/sqh *)ore/sths pesw\n e)k tou= a(/rmatos.
The headword phrase quotes
Electra 863 (web address 1): Electra expresses her grief, in the form of a question to the chorus, after the report of the death of her brother Orestes.
In her recitation, Electra uses the same adjective,
tmhto/s, h/, -o/n (
cut, shaped by cutting, here in the masculine (also neuter) dative plural; see LSJ s.v. and Ellendt s.v.), that the Paedagogus did in deceptively delivering the original story at
Electra 747 (web address 2). It would seem to directly refer to manufacturing the straps by cutting them from a hide, yet the lemma's adjective appears in other accounts of chariot accidents, as at
Hippolytus 1245 (web address 3). Indeed, for
i(ma/s (see LSJ s.v.,
rein), it functions as an epithet (Jebb, pp. 124-5):
trim reins.
The noun in the lemma,
o(lko/s (here in the masculine dative plural; see LSJ s.v.), also means
winch and
furrow, drawing an allusion to the impressions made by the straps in the hides of horses pulling the chariot car (Hogan, p. 296).
[1] This part of the entry follows the Sophoclean
[2] The Paedagogus' account is false, intended to deceive Clytemnestra and Electra; cf.
omega 35.
F. Ellendt, Lexicon Sophocleum, Hildesheim: Georg Olms, 1965
R.C. Jebb, Sophocles: The Plays and Fragments. Part VI, The Electra, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1894
J. Hogan, A Commentary on the Plays of Sophocles, Carbondale and Edwardsville, IL: Southern Illinois University Press, 1991
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2,
Web address 3
Keywords: athletics; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; imagery; mythology; trade and manufacture; tragedy
Translated by: Ronald Allen on 11 November 2008@00:37:49.
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