*tmhtiko/s: o( te/mnwn.
The headword is an adjective (
tmhtiko/s, -h/, o/n(/) given here in the masculine nominative singular; see LSJ s.v. and cf. cognates at
tau 712,
tau 713,
tau 714,
tau 715,
tau 716, and
tau 718. An instance of the lemma is at ps.-Herodian,
Partitiones 134.5 (Boissonade).
[1] The gloss is the present active participle, masculine nominative singular (
cutting/hewing/slaughtering), of the verb
I cut/hew/slaughter; see LSJ s.v. Without the substantive that agrees directly with the participle, but accompanied by the article, the gloss as a whole substantivizes the (attributive) participle that it contains (Smyth, 2049-50).
See also
tau 755, and under
epsilon 180.
H.W. Smyth, Greek Grammar, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1956
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