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Search results for tau,716 in Adler number:
Adler number: tau,716
Translated headword: cutting, division, section
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [*tmh=sis means the same as] h( tomh/.[1]
Greek Original:*tmh=sis: h( tomh/.
The headword is a feminine noun (
tmh=sis, -ews, h(/) given here in the nominative singular; see generally LSJ s.v. (and for cognates cf.
tau 712,
tau 713,
tau 714,
tau 715,
tau 717,
tau 718). No equivalent entry in other lexica, but ps.-
Zonaras glosses the headword with
There are several instances of the headword in
Plato (
Symposium 190E,
Republic 470A,
Politicus 276D), and see also e.g.
De anima 412b28 (the strange, but somehow elucidating, comparison of the actuality of wakefulness to
the cutting of an axe).
[1] The gloss is an articular substantivization (Smyth, ยง1153) of the adjective
tomo/s, -h/, -o/n (
cutting, sharp); see LSJ s.v.
H.W. Smyth, Greek Grammar, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1956
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; imagery; philosophy
Translated by: Ronald Allen on 3 November 2008@00:37:23.
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