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Adler number: tau,709
Translated headword: Tlepolemos, Tlepolemus
Vetting Status: high
Translation: He was in charge of affairs in the kingdom of Egypt; he was a young man and his life as a soldier had been one of constant ostentation. He was also naturally shallow and reputation-seeking, and altogether the qualities which he brought to bear on his work were in many instances good but in many bad. For when commanding troops in the field and in military matters he was capable and instinctively courageous, and when mixing with soldiers he was affable; but as regards handling complex matters -- something which needs application and sobriety -- and controlling money and general good housekeeping he was as poorly-equipped as could be; so much so that in no time at all he not only got into trouble but diminished the kingdom itself. For despite having taken over financial power he spent most of the day sparring and duelling with the young men, which would be immediately followed by drinking-sessions with them, the greater part of his life being spent on these things and in this company. In the portion of the day that he set aside for audiences he used to distribute -- or rather, if truth must be told, scatter -- the royal funds amongst those who had come on embassies from Greece and amongst the companies of actors. All in all, he did not know how to say no; instead, to anyone who pleased him in any way he gave whatever he had. For what follows look in the history of
Greek Original:*tlhpo/lemos, o( ta\ th=s basilei/as tw=n *ai)gupti/wn pra/gmata metaxeirizo/menos, h)=n me\n kata\ th\n h(liki/an ne/os kai\ kata\ to\ sunexe\s e)n stratiwtikw=| bi/w| diegego/nei meta\ fantasi/as. h)=n de\ kai\ th=| fu/sei mete/wros kai\ filo/docos kai\ kaqo/lou polla\ me\n ei)s pragma/twn lo/gon a)gaqa\ proefe/reto, polla\ de\ kai\ kaka/. strathgei=n me\n ga\r e)n toi=s u(pai/qrois kai\ xeiri/zein polemika\s pra/ceis dunato\s h)=n kai\ a)ndrw/dhs u(ph=rxe th=| fu/sei kai\ pro\s ta\s stratiwtika\s o(mili/as eu)fuw=s die/keito: pro\s de\ poiki/lwn pragma/twn xeirismo\n deo/menon e)pista/sews kai\ nh/yews kai\ pro\s fulakh\n xrhma/twn kai\ kaqo/lou th\n peri\ to\ lusitele\s oi)konomi/an a)fue/statos u(ph=rxe pa/ntwn: h(=| kai\ taxe/ws ou) mo/non e)/sfhlen, a)lla\ kai\ th\n basilei/an h)la/ttwse: paralabw\n ga\r th\n tw=n xrhma/twn e)cousi/an to\ me\n plei=ston me/ros th=s h(me/ras kate/tribe sfairomaxw=n kai\ pro\s ta\ meira/kia diamillw/menos e)n toi=s o(/plois, a)po\ de\ tou/twn gino/menos eu)qe/ws po/tous sunh=ge kai\ to\ plei=on me/ros tou= bi/ou peri\ tau=ta kai\ su\n tou/tois ei)=xe th\n diatribh/n. o(\n de/ pote xro/non th=s h(me/ras a)peme/rize pro\s e)nteu/ceis, e)n tou/tw| diedi/dou, ma=llon d' ei) dei= to\ faino/menon ei)pei=n dierri/ptei ta\ basilika\ xrh/mata toi=s a)po\ th=s *(ella/dos prosgegono/si presbeutai=s kai\ toi=s peri\ to\n *dio/nuson texni/tais. kaqo/lou ga\r a)naneu/ein ou)k h)/|dei, tw=| de\ pro\s xa/rin o(milh/santi pa=n e)c e(toi/mou to\ fane\n e)di/dou. kai\ ta\ lei/ponta zh/tei e)n th=| *polubi/ou i(stori/a|.
Polybius 16.21.1-9 on a prominent figure -- probably of Persian/Lycian origin -- of the late C3 BCE (web address 1), first introduced in 15.25.25-36.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; economics; ethics; food; geography; historiography; history; military affairs
Translated by: David Whitehead on 8 November 2001@06:12:52.
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