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Search results for tau,696 in Adler number:
Adler number: tau,696
Translated headword: Tityos, Tityus
Vetting Status: high
Translation: This man, enamoured of Leto, grasped her veil; her children Apollo and Artemis shot him down with arrows and killed him. And now, he says,[1] he is punished in the underworld, with missiles impaled in his liver.
Greek Original:*tituo/s: ou(=tos e)rw=n th=s *lhtou=s kate/sxen au)th=s tou= krhde/mnou: h(=s pai=des *)apo/llwn kai\ *)/artemis kateto/ceusan au)to\n kai\ a)nei=lon. kai\ nu=n, fhsi/n, e)n tw=| a(/|dh| kola/zetai, e)/xwn be/lh e)mpeparme/na tw=| h(/pati.
Scholia mythologica 5.32.
This version is also in
Apollodorus 1.23; other versions name different killers; and
Odyssey 11.576-581 describes him as flattened, spreadeagled, and under never-ending attack (likewise in the liver) from a pair of vultures. See generally OCD(4) s.v. Tityus (and
lambda 477 for Leto).
[1] Adler reports that mss GM, more plausibly, have "they say".
Keywords: definition; epic; gender and sexuality; medicine; mythology; zoology
Translated by: David Whitehead on 19 October 2006@10:03:37.
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