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Search results for tau,692 in Adler number:
Adler number: tau,692
Translated headword: Titus
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A Roman general. Everything had happened in accordance with his plan and with [only a small] contribution from chance; in the main it was the result of foresight in everything he had handled; for this man was sagacious to a higher degree than any other [Roman], managing not only public enterprises but also his personal affairs so skilfully and intelligently as to exceed all limit. And this despite being so young -- for he was not yet 30 years of age. He was the first[1] to cross into Greece with armies.
Greek Original:*ti=tos, strathgo\s *(rwmai/wn. tou/tw| de\ e)gego/nei pa/nta kata\ nou=n kai\ tau)toma/tou sunergh/santos, to\ de\ polu\ dia\ th=s au)tou= pronoi/as a(pa/ntwn kexeirisme/nwn: pa/nu ga\r a)gxi/nous ei) kai/ tis e(/teros w)\n ou(=tos ge/gonen. ou(/tw ga\r eu)sto/xws e)xei/rize kai\ nounexw=s ou) mo/non ta\s koina\s e)pibola/s, a)lla\ kai\ ta\s kat' i)di/an e)nteu/ceis, w(/sq' u(perbolh\n mh\ katalipei=n. kai/toi ge ne/os h)=n komidh=|: plei/w ga\r l# e)tw=n ou)k ei)=xe. kai\ prw=tos ei)s th\n *(ella/da die/bh meta\ stratope/dwn.
Polybius 18.12.2-5, on T. Quinctius Flamininus, c.229-174 (OCD4 pp.1250-1]). See text at web address 1.
[1] sc. Roman.
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Web address 1
Keywords: biography; chronology; definition; ethics; geography; historiography; history; military affairs
Translated by: David Whitehead on 8 November 2001@05:40:25.
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