*ti/tqh: trofo/s, ma/mmh. o(/sa de\ a)rgi/a| mema/rantai kai\ r(a|qumi/a| die/fqartai meira/kia, tai=s ti/tqais a)pomu/ttein kai\ tai=s gunaici\ lou/ein a)pope/myate, kai\ qrupto/mena para\ tau/tais stwmu/llesqai kai\ lalei=n peri\ kro/khs kai\ sthmo/nwn e)a/swmen. kai\ *titqei/a, h( e)pime/leia.
The headword (illustrated by the quotation given, where it appears in the dative plural) is a feminine noun in the nominative (and vocative) singular; see generally LSJ s.v., and cf.
tau 687,
tau 689.
[1] The first gloss is a masculine and feminine noun in the nominative singular; see generally LSJ s.v. The second gloss, a child's word for
mother, is a feminine noun in the nominative (and vocative) singular; see generally LSJ s.v. In her cricitcal apparatus Adler reports that ms G lacks this second gloss, and other lexica too have only 'nourisher': see the references at
Photius tau331 Theodoridis.
[2] The quotation, already at
sigma 1154 and in part at
pi 1677, is unidentifiable; Adler notes Cobet's attribution of it to
Aelian. [She also reports that, instead of the imperative given here, ms G transmits
a)pepe/myate, the aorist indicative active, second person plural,
you sent away; also that ms A gives
qrupto/menai, the feminine plural participle, instead of the neuter given here.]
[3] For this additional lemma and gloss, Adler cites
Lexicon Ambrosianum 453.
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